Saturday, June 11, 2011

I dedicate Saturdays to....

Sully, aka Sullymonster, Sullybunny, Sullyman, SillySully...poor little guy, I don't think he knows what his name really is.  He hears Sul--- and he answers.  Few people have met Sully and just didn't like him, he's a doll.  Sweet, excited, loving, adorable, well behaved!  That's our baby.  He's just a character, I'm blessed to have had him for almost 8 years (his birthday's coming up in July!), from a wee-tiny six week old pup who pee'd in my lap on the drive home from the kennel, giving himself his middle name: Peabody.  Sullivan Peabody.  Distinguished, no?  lol  He thinks he is distinguished. 
My biggest regret with him is not having a camera when he was a wee-pup.  He was adorable.  1.4 pounds 6 weeks old and afraid of grass.  He and I have been through a lot in our 8 years together.  He is my dogson and I'll protect him and love him until the very end.  Though, there will be no end...he and I have an agreement, he must never die.  He agreed, he'll be immortal, that made me happy.  LOL! 
We can't say anything about going outside unless we are ready, right now ready.  We're really glad he can't spell, "O-U-T" and "P-A-R-K" are in our conversations many times a day.  Sully even knows his way to the park, if there weren't a mean dog in one of the apartments on his route to the park, we would let him go leashless.

Sully is a cuddlemonster:
Sully would never bathe if it were up to him, he hates it:
Sullivan practices yoga, he just knows his Daddy rolls out the yoga mat just for him.  Not like Daddy wants to use it for sit ups or anything:

Sully is also very sensitive and knows when his Mommie isn't feeling well and will be the best little nurse:
He LOVES car rides:
But, most of all, he loves his Daddy:
So, I think I'm going to have Sully Adventure Saturdays...he's always doing something, and he's such a huge part of our lives that it only makes sense to dedicate a day to him!

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