Friday, July 20, 2012

33 Weeks!

33 Weeks!!
7 weeks to go!
(actually, since I always post late, 6 weeks 3 days)

The craziest part for me is the difference 2 weeks makes:

How far along are you? 
33 Weeks

Total weight gain: 
I'm not loving it, but I was glad to know my bff who is 4 weeks ahead of me (and smaller than me, plus a far more healthy eater) is about the same amount of weight gain.  I haven't strictly watched my eating, but dang.  I think it's a genetic thing for those of you who don't gain more than 25-30 pounds

How big is baby?:
What to Expect says a PINEAPPLE!

Maternity clothes
always...the closer it gets to my due date the less I want to spend any more money on anything new

Stretch marks?:  
So far, only on my hiney
I've been applying Palmers Cocoa Butter religiously...hoping that helps matters

Night before last, amazing!  Slept for about 10 hours!  Last night...I think I was lucky to get 5 interrupted hours of sleep!

Best moment this week?:
All of his movement!  J is seeing it and it's wonderful

He's getting SO strong...
So I'm guessing that he's running out of room!

Food cravings?:
nothing that I can think of, other than anything cold because of this heat!

Food aversions?:
Not too bad, kind of depends on the day, 
I've started not wanting meat on bueno considering that's protein and iron

Labor signs?: 
NO!  Just Braxton-Hicks 
Some of them are starting to get painful like cramps.  Nothing consistent or regular.

Belly button in or out?: 
Still in, but barely!  Which is nuts, my belly button pre-pregnancy is seriously VERY deep

What I miss: 
sleeping well
Not being exhausted
my face shape
my body! 
Lol, this list could go on and on at this point

What I'm looking forward to: 
Family baby shower Sunday!!

What I'm not looking forward to: 
Getting even MORE uncomfortable!

Pierce's STRONG movement and punches!
He kicks me if I fold my arms and rest them on the top of my belly, he does not like anything encroaching on his space!